Gut Sounds Lullaby

“Gut Sounds” is a term with significant resonances in American ass husbandry. Listening for gut sounds, or gut motility, is one of the first and...

Created 2019-06-28 10:43:20 AM. Most recently updated 2019-06-28 10:43:20 AM


Siren is an evocative and ephemeral sound installation that temporarily transforms its immediate environment. Disembodied voices travel into a flood of sound and harmony, reaching...

Created 2019-06-28 10:47:14 AM. Most recently updated 2019-06-28 10:47:14 AM

Air Pressure

Air Pressure is a collaboration between anthropologist Rupert Cox, sound artist Angus Carlyle, and the acoustic scientist Kozo Hiramatsu. The sound-film ‘Ki-atsu: the sound of...

Created 2019-06-28 10:51:50 AM. Most recently updated 2019-06-28 10:51:50 AM

Sheaf of Times

With Sheaf of Times, Dib and Meza delve into the foreign world of plants. Using both contact microphones and open-air microphones, they create lofty and...

Created 2019-06-28 4:39:12 PM. Most recently updated 2019-06-28 4:39:12 PM

Waking in Nima

Everyone experiences waking. But what difference does it make to wake in different places, singly, or repeatedly, and to wake to different sounds? Through years...

Created 2019-06-28 4:41:17 PM. Most recently updated 2019-06-28 4:41:17 PM

‘Open Doors’ Project: The Lost Anthropological Archives of 2012

I wish behind was left more Ohlone. I cringe hearing ‘the last Mutsun speaking…’ arriving too late swimming upstream not fast enough can’t make up...

Created 2019-06-28 4:43:44 PM. Most recently updated 2019-06-28 4:43:44 PM

Lives of Other Citizens

Imagine if you could enter into other people’s heads and find out what they are thinking: the person sitting next to you on the bus;...

Created 2019-06-28 4:45:18 PM. Most recently updated 2019-06-28 4:45:18 PM

Power and Ground

Sound is invisible, sculptural, and malleable, able to take on infinite combinations of textures, timbres, shapes, and forms. In my work with sound I’m interested...

Created 2019-06-28 4:47:12 PM. Most recently updated 2019-06-28 4:47:12 PM

When They Give Their Word, Their Word is Bond

A bucolic garden in San Francisco, a small mosque in North Oakland, and storefront windows in San Francisco’s Tenderloin are brought together to bring “The...

Created 2019-06-28 4:49:58 PM. Most recently updated 2019-06-28 4:49:58 PM

Receiving the World

Wolfgang Lehrner is a traveller. Portugal, the UK, Bulgaria, Albania, Turkey, Georgia, USA, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Mexico, Jamaica … He calls Vienna his...

Created 2019-06-28 4:52:28 PM. Most recently updated 2019-06-28 4:52:28 PM

Radio Transmission Ark

Radio Transmission Ark is an Internet-based sound art platform created to encourage explorations in locality and self-representation as well as potentials for broadcast art. Coordinated...

Created 2019-06-28 4:54:07 PM. Most recently updated 2019-06-28 4:54:07 PM

San Fran-Man

Today much of our communication occurs virtually and globally; where once we conversed face-to-face. Can an examination of our cyber interaction offer up any insight...

Created 2019-06-28 4:57:00 PM. Most recently updated 2019-06-28 4:57:00 PM

Listening to a Sense of Place

Using sound as a catalyst and form of ethnography, storytelling, and expression we invite you to listen to the sounds of the Broughton Archipelago, an...

Created 2019-06-28 4:58:44 PM. Most recently updated 2019-06-28 4:58:44 PM

The Whole World is Blind

Departing from the idea that seeing is believing and moving toward the theories that Virginia Woolf and Susan Sontag espoused that visuals often mislead if...

Created 2019-06-28 5:00:43 PM. Most recently updated 2019-06-28 5:00:43 PM


Anspayaxw (Kispiox) is a small reserve in northern British Columbia where I worked with linguist Tyler Peterson and visual artist Denise Hawrysio to record and...

Created 2019-06-28 5:02:18 PM. Most recently updated 2019-06-28 5:02:18 PM

Echo – The First Tie

<p>Tie (musical): Indicates that the two (or more) notes joined together are to be played as one note with the time values added together. To...</p>

Created 2019-07-10 12:07:50 PM. Most recently updated 2019-07-10 12:07:50 PM

Memory Objects, Memory Dialogues

This project consists of a video installation with two projections simultaneously playing on opposite walls of a room. One wall displays a series of edited...

Created 2019-07-10 12:11:52 PM. Most recently updated 2019-07-10 12:11:52 PM

Toy Boat Task

Get Friday is a virtual personal assistant service based in Bangalore, India, typically providing remote executive support for a largely American client base. I am...

Created 2019-07-10 12:16:33 PM. Most recently updated 2019-07-10 12:16:33 PM

The Fold

This work is a subtle investigation of the ordinary spaces that transform and transition between the playful and the sacred as individuals enter and perform...

Created 2019-07-10 12:18:28 PM. Most recently updated 2019-07-10 12:18:28 PM

International Garbage

International Garbage is an experimental audio-video collage documentary. Audial inventions by the young German sound artist Brandstifter accompany Barbara Rosenthal’s compulsive 4-nation collection of collectors...

Created 2019-07-10 12:20:46 PM. Most recently updated 2019-07-10 12:20:46 PM


Over the past year I have continued the elaborative investigation of the “spectacle” in contemporary social culture, specifically within masculine performances and collective experiences. My...

Created 2019-07-10 12:22:29 PM. Most recently updated 2019-07-10 12:22:29 PM

From radio to audio while exploring journalistic formats

Radio reporters collect field sounds, ambient sounds, rich silences, and oral discourses. They put them together in order to tell a story, to create an...

Created 2019-07-10 12:26:43 PM. Most recently updated 2019-07-10 12:26:43 PM

Historical In(ter)ventions: Altered Texts & Border Stories

The cultural production of knowledge, mythmaking and border crossings are major themes in recent works I call historical in(ter)ventions, altered history books that challenge traditional...

Created 2019-07-10 12:29:50 PM. Most recently updated 2019-07-10 12:29:50 PM

Letters from Frank: fff (fatima freedom fighters, not found family footage)

I have an archive of old family footage of documentation by my maternal grandfather moving the family back and forth across the Atlantic since the...

Created 2019-07-10 12:31:43 PM. Most recently updated 2019-07-10 12:31:43 PM

Retracing Edith Fowke’s Folk

My performance art incorporates a diverse array of practices and media, including folksong collecting, singer-songwriter stage banter, the academic lecture, and the mass-mediated hoax. Confessional...

Created 2019-07-10 12:33:48 PM. Most recently updated 2019-07-10 12:33:48 PM