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Ethnographic Terminalia, Dominic Boyer, Cymene Howe
[Bio c. 2016] Dominic Boyer is Professor of Anthropology at Rice University and Founding Director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Research in the Human Sciences (CENHS,, the first research center in the world designed specifically to promote research on the energy/environment nexus in the arts, humanities and social sciences. He is part of the editorial collective of the journal Cultural Anthropology (2015-2018) and also edits Expertise: Cultures and Technologies of Knowledge, a book series for Cornell University Press. His research interests include media, knowledge, energy and power. His most recent monograph is The Life Informatic: Newsmaking in...
In the midst of this boom of writing and thinking and worrying about the end of the world brought on by anthropogenic climate catastrophes, Ethnographic Terminalia presents Aeolian Politics. It is indeed the end of time for glaciers that have withstood thousands of years, cycling through periods of freeze and thaw.
It is the end of time for entire species extinguished at such an alarming rate that even the most hardened observer of the ‘news’ must be a little shaken and perturbed.